QIC:  Publix

Alright darn it, now this is the 2nd time I’ve had to write this cause the dang internet closed out on my the first time.
So, once again, I am sitting here on Sunday trying to get this back blast out for Thursday, but I’m now determined to get this thing done so I’m not gonna quit.
Leading up to Thursday we had received word that we were gonna have a visitor from Eastern NC so some challenges were thrown out on the Voxer to make sure my Q wasn’t lollipop. As Wednesday evening approached, I then received and offer from our very own Cousin Eddie to bring little sand babies to Thursday’s workout, so with that in mind the following beat down was developed:
Warm-Up (Nothing crazy here):
SSH x 15 IC
Alternating Toe Touch x 15 IC
Wind Mill x 12 IC
Butt Kickers x 12 IC
High Knees x 12 IC
The Thang:
We then lined up for a little indian run, we headed out of the church parking lot down the fill between St. Lukes and Corinth, then at the bottom went right past Tooth Fairy’s house and ended at the back entrance to St. Lukes where we lined up around the courtyard under the awnings.
We then did the following Exercises:
Incline Merkins x 10 IC
Lunges x 10 each leg
Bear Crawls finished off by 8 dive bomber push ups
Pull Ups x 8
Repeat with:
Incline Merkins x 10 IC
Step Ups x 10 each leg
Bear Crawls finished off by 6 dive bomber push ups
Pull Ups x 6
Repeat with:
Incline Merkins x 10 IC
Step Ups x 10 each leg
Bear Crawls finished off by 6 dive bomber push ups
Pull Ups x 6
We then headed back to out the front of the Church to the original AO, partnered up and each pairing grabbed an LSB from Cousin Eddie’s truck. We then moseyed with our LSB’s back down the road between the churches to the top of the hill. At the top of the hill, 1 partner would do the following exercise while the other partner ran to the bottom of the hill and back. This continued until all the following exercise were completed by each partner. Oh yeah, and on the first run down, you had to add 5 burpees before coming back up, just to make sure everyone was good and loose.
Squat Thrusters
Bench Press
Skull Crushers
Kettle Swings
At this point the PAX were dying and begging for an audible, so being the nice guy I am I obliged. We dropped the LSB’s and headed behind Corinth to the basketball goal. Each PAX would call an ab exercise for all the PAX to do and then shoot free throws until they made one while being heckled for each miss. This continued until all PAX had gone and made a free throw.
NOTE: We apparently have a lot of PAX that can ball, the most it took all the PAX (except for 1) was 2 shots. Then there was Phlegm, who also happened to be the last PAX to go, who I believe took 6 shots before finally making his free throw. And because of this, all the PAX had to do 15 penalty burpees (Nicely done sir!)
2nd Note: The previous time we tried this I believe I tied for the most shots so I’m just glad I wasn’t the worst shot again.
We then moseyed back to the AO with our LSB’s and circled up for the Name-O-Rama and WOD.
WOD was from 2 Corinthians 10:12 – Don’t compare ourselves to others, this is not wise (to summarize)



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