QIC:  Patti Mayo

Perfect conditions for a workout this morning-

PAX- Check

AO- Check

500% Humidity- Check

Sweet Heat had the chance to go to the beach last minute so YHC took the substi-q for this morning and it went a little something like this.

Warm-up- SSH, ATT, Humptys, LAC’s

The Thang- Mosey from the flag and went the long way around to the blocks.  Everybody grab a block and head to the back of the wal-greens.  Proceed with the BOMBS- Bench Press, Overhead Press, Merkins, Block Burpees, and then Curls instead of squats just because. 20 reps of each except for the block burpees; only did 10 of those. Start with a lap around the wal and end with a lap; with a lap in between each of the exercises.  After that we did the MOUNT workout in the same fashion as the BOMBS.  Merkins (diamond), Overhead press, Up and Overs, Nose Curls and Tricep dips.  Same Lap sequence as the BOMBS.  Replace blocks upon completion…Mosey back to flag….Merkin ring of fire to 5 to bring us home.

COT- Scripture from Matthew about worry and stress and how we need to try and take life one day at a time and not worry our lives away.




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