For once YHC did everything right on a Sunday night and actually preplanned to be at ER.  He read the newsletter and saw that Retread had the Q.  “Good!” he thought. “It will be a tough one. I need that so I’ll get up and go. I’ll also wear my best red tank top to honor him and his Tornados”.  After leaving the casa for a little warm up run past Snuggles n’ Cuddles of Viewmont, YHC arrived at 0525 to hear two dudes shouting at each other a little ways up the street. Too early for that. Everyone knows that the yelling in that area is not supposed to start until 0530. About that time here came Powder, Publix, Kapowski, and Cheese Wiz. As the clock hit 0530 we had no Q. No Retread in sight. YHC was feeling froggy so he said “I’ll do it”.

Conditions: 65F and humid

The Thang:
Warmup IC
SSH X 20
ATT X 20

Run 1 lap of the ER Original

Mosey to the top of Hospital Hill for Escalators
At the top of the hill – 1 Merkin, Squat, and V-up
Run to the bottom of the hill – 2 Merkins, Squats, and V-ups
Run to the top of the hill – 3 Merkins, Squats, and V-ups
Run to the bottom of the hill – 4 Merkins, Squats, and V-ups
(You get the idea…)
Continue this pattern until running to the bottom of the hill for 10 Merkins, Squats, and V-ups

25 count then Mosey over to Bass Smith north wall.
Divide into two groups. Group 1, balls to the wall while group 2 runs a lap to light pole 2 and back. Flip Flop and repeat 3X

Mosey up the steps, through the Frye parking lot and to the garage entry point for Escalating BLIMPS
Run up the parking deck stopping at each level to exercise
Level 1 – Burpees X 5
Level 2 – Burpees X 5, Lunges X 10 (each leg)
Level 3 – Burpees X 5, Lunges X 10 (each leg), IST X 15 (each leg)
Level 4 – Burpees x 5, Lunges X 10 (each leg), IST X 15 (each leg), Merkins X 20
Level 5 – Burpees x 5, Lunges X 10 (each leg), IST X 15 (each leg), Merkins X 20, Plank Jacks X 25
Time expired – Ran back to ER starting point

The decisions that we make each day are important and can have a long lasting impact others. I made a decision last night to get up and go to the ER. I’m glad that I did. I’m glad that 4 others did also. YHC talked about the important decision that Franz Stigler, a German fighter pilot in WWII, had to make many years ago. It was a decision that would affect him and many others. You should read about it in “A Higher Call” by Adam Makos. It’s a great book. YHC believes that we are all called to make a positive difference in someone life. We are all called to something higher. The question is, how are we allowing God to guide our decision making and our next moves in life? What decisions will you make today?

As always, honored to lead.




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