QIC:  Markup

12 men were stretched and ready to run a route through Hickory so I explained the route before it was time to get started.  It was a simple route but harder to explain.

Since we run at various speeds and I had planned 2 distances I started the workout backwards.  We started the count off at 5:15 on the dot and as I was almost to 12 two more cars squealed their wheels as they rushed to the AO.  As the Name-o-Rama was finishing up, we realized that Retread and Jordache were the two late arrivals.  I shared the Word of the Day from Jesus Calling which stated that God gives us circumstances to remind us that we need Him and we need to lean on Him.  As I was reading the WOD, Cousin Eddie showed up to run.  I am glad we did the workout backwards or these three pax would have had to catch up!


the route:

left out of the parking lot and then take an immediate left

turn  right at the tennis courts and then turn left onto 127

turn right by the old Hobby Lobby building and head towards Eleanor

Head down Eleanor and take the first right

2 more rights and you will be near HCA and can take another right towards 127

head back to the AO and turn by St. Luke’s for a 5 mile loop

if you want 6 miles, continue running towards Chic-fil-a and turn right at the stop light

at the end of the road take a right and then take a left before fourk

after this turn there is 1 more turn and then head back to the AO

Flamer and Cousin Eddie (#iamnotarunner) ran to Arrow so they had more mileage and one had over 8 miles!  Great job men!!

Cousin Eddie – BB posted so it did happen!  🙂



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