QIC:  Publix

As I was writing out my Weinke on Friday evening trying to come up with something a little different for the Whipping Stick it hit me, “we need some blocks”. And it just so happens that they are building a house right across the street from me so I went outside and to my delight a couple pallets of oversized concrete blocks were sitting there on the curb. Before I rolled out on Saturday morning I loaded up the Highlander with 8 of those bad boys and then headed to the Whipping Stick.

We got started right at 6:15 with the Warm-O-Rama:

Side Straddle Hops x 15 IC

Alternating Toe Touches x 15 IC

Hillbilly’s x 15 IC

Humpy’s x 12 IC

High Knees x 15 IC

Then we went right into “The Thang”:

Moseyed out to the road and down the hill to the sketchy bridge with all the “No Trespassing” signs posted (Good thing Cousin Eddie knows these folks or we may have been a little concerned using their bridge):

Decline Merkins x 15 OYO (while trying not to slip on the slimy wet bridge)

Lunges x 10 each leg OYO

Close Grip Merkins x 15 OYO

Freddie Mercury x 20 IC

Decline Merkins x 15 OYO

Lunges x 10 each leg OYO

Close Grip Merkins x 10 OYO

Flutter Kicks x 15 IC

Mosey up the hill and into the back lot of the school over to the benches. At the benches we did:

Step Ups with Overhead Air Presses x 20 IC

Incline Merkins x 20 OYO

Dips x 15 IC

Then walk over to the wall for some wall sits with:

Overhead presses x 15 IC and

Muhammad Ali’s x 15 IC

Then back over to the benches for another 15 Step Ups with Overhead Air Presses

We then moseyed back to the road and to the AO where my car was parked with those unsuspecting coupons. Each PAX grabbed a monster concrete block and we lined up abreast for the following exercises. After each round of block exercises we would mosey a lap around the parking lot and back to our blocks.

Curls x 30

Goblet Squats x 30

Bench Press x 40

Kettle Swings x 20

Skull Crushers x 15

Side to Side block merkins x 8 each side

Overhead Press x 25

Bent Over Rows x 25

Planks where we lift your opposite arm and leg and hold for 5 count.

We then circled up around Beaker’s tailgate for announcements, count off and name-o-rama.

WOD came from a talk I had on Thursday before heading out on Date Night which is an event sponsored by our church. Our Pastor and his wife talked to a number of couples about marriage and how both our wives and us have un-spoken expectations (or hopes, dreams) about how we think our day or something is going to go for us and when that doesn’t happen it can lead to disappointment and tension in our marriages. So its important to be open with our spouses and them with us to lay our expectations out and make sure we are communicating them and discussing them.

Moleskin: As typical with this group we had some pretty solid mumble chatter going on pretty much the whole workout, some of which can’t be repeated here. I got lots of solid sighs and complaining as I called out the block exercises, which always makes you feel good as the Q. I told them they were the “Cure for Soccer Arms”, which we have quite a bit of amongst the Hickory PAX due to all the dang runners we have in the group (Love you guys). We then discussed some strategies “we used to use” to make them look bigger “When we were younger” and somehow the topic of my giant calves came up. I said any of them can have calves like that, you just have to be a fat kid that runs on this toes and you too could have calves like mine. All in all I think it was a great time had by all.



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