QIC:  Short Sale

Hype it up, hype it up, and then hype up the hype. Did we get to 40? No. Was it worth the hype? Absolutely.

YHC has a dream to one day bring 40 HIM before the Concrete Beast. It didnā€™t happen today….

Either way, 30+ men posted in sub-freezing temperatures to enjoy this;

SSH IC x15

moseyed to blocks and circled up

M.O.U.N.T workout. Each letter is an exercise.

10reps Merkin, Overhead Press, Up-and-Over, Nose Curls, Tricep Pulls. Take a lap and drop a rep each round down to 1, Plank for the 6.

Block-McStuffins, Inspired by our very own Doc McStuffins. This exercise is block lunges with American Hammers, holding the block, in squat position. IC x a lot.

Blocks up – mosey to (almost) top of Concrete Beast.

MARY (with a few Little Arm Circle aka Baby Makers thrown in for good measure) + 5 Burpees OYO.

Mosey back to the Flag.

Countarama, Namearama,

Announcements: Friday Christmas party, RSVP, donate (if you can) , bring a beverage or dessert of choice.

W.O.D. Decisions.

We are exactly two men. Each and everyone of us are both the person we intend to be and the person we actually are. We each have intentions. Good intentions. We have lofty ideas of how awesome we are and sometimes we convince ourselves that we are that person. In reality we are not that person at all. Weā€™re exactly what we are. We are what we actually do. We screw things up. We donā€™t workout when we should. We donā€™t always call that person we love or come through on all of our promises. We let people down we let ourselves down. We make excuses. We get tired. We get angry and we fail.

You and I are not our intentions. We are exactly what we do. We are our actions.

Our actions are what our wives see. (She knows when you donā€™t post after you said you would) We are what our children see. (They know when you donā€™t come through. They still love you when you back out on a promise) And we know ourselves when we fall short of our intentions.

I am convinced that one of the hardest things to do in this world is to be one man. One man that lines up both his intentions and his actions in perfect harmony.

A man will never be whole unless he is strong enough to be the man he intends to be not only in his spirit but in his flesh. You are being led to be something greater than you can imagine. You are being led by your intentions to be the best version of yourself and when you realize that and you let go of fighting it, you will become whole. ā€œOf one mindā€

Phillipians 2:2 Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

(Not to take this verse out of context, it is being written to the ā€œchurchā€ but there are many times throughout the Bible we are called to be of ā€œone mindā€.)

It is YHCā€™s opinion that the ā€œone mindā€ referred to is also the ā€œmind of Christā€ which we are each given through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, If you are drawing near to God is your compass, your intentions, the things that are driving you to be a better version of yourself.

(Hope youā€™re still with me)

So, Letā€™s drive this home….

Decisions.Ā Decisions become habits, habits become, character, character becomes your name, your name becomes your legacy.

Everyday we make several small decisions.

Do I get out of this warm bed and go workout?

Selfish decision: Nope, my body needs the rest. SNOOZE!

Non-selfish intentional decision: yes, my body doesnā€™t want to but I need to do this so my health stays where it needs to be. So my wife knows Iā€™m a man of my word. So my kids know that their dad loves them and he is willing to get his tale up so he can be a good example of hard work and dedication. Those guys out there need to see a man who is willing to exercise his mind and body so he can lead other men to take control of their lives and their health.

You can apply both of these examples to every decision we make EVERY day. Are we willing to be leaders and men of integrity? Are we willing to do whatever it takes to make an impact on the people around us that we love. Are we willing to sacrifice a warm bed and a little extra sleep to become exactly who we are meant to be? Leaders. Husbands. Fathers. The men who donā€™t give in when the going gets a little tough. The men who can be counted on to step up when their name is called. The men who stand out from other men because they made a habit of making decisions that lined up with something bigger. Those decisions led other men to also make good decisions. Those men led their lives, their families, their communities.

Hickory is blessed with men who have become of one mind. Those men post for guys who need it more than they know. Those guys posted for me and Iā€™m thankful they were there that cold February morning I walked up to a downtown street corner in the gloom.






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