QIC:  Cousin Eddie

I love a good backblast.  I used to get on folks for not writing one…..now here I am writing one 2 days late.  Dang, that aint cool.  Sorry about that folks.

Weather:  Cold.  Somewhere between colder than a well digger’s ass and colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra.

Thang:  Couple of warmups, ATT, SSH in cadence.  Short walk to the creepiest house in Hickory for slow squats.

Partner up and grab one of the following:  pair of bricks, chunk of street, cinder block, some old assed 1/2 cinder block thing, or your choice of 2 football sized rocks.  Mosey to the bottom of the parking deck.

Rules:  You and your partner are doing the same exercises.  You too decide how you share the coupon.  Pretty sure just about everyone rotated coupon between each stop.  Switch coupons after each exercise

Exercise was based on Kapowski’s thing that he calls the Beast.  Sorta.  Ok, the only thing in common is that for each exercise called the pax did that exercise 6 times. 20 reps at each stop.  1st stop: bottom of short stairwell

2nd stop: bottom of non-short stairwell

3rd stop: top of non-short stairwell

4th: top of short stairwell

5th: back to top of NSSW

6th: back to bottom of NSSW

Plank for the fat slow dude (aka Cousin Eddie)

Stuff Did:

  • American Hammer
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • WW2’s
  • Mtn Climbers
  • ? drawing a blank

WOD: James 1 ; 2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish it’s work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything

Dear Dairy:

As luck has it, my M mentions something about my Beast from time to time.  Pretty sure she’s just referring to my sweaty socks though.

Herninator was stuck w/ me as a partner.  There were a couple of times when I saw him walking backwards to not get too far ahead of me.  I felt sorry for the guy, he’s too fast for his own good.  Or maybe just 3x faster than me….

We had an FNG this am.  Welcome Roadkill.  We hope that you join us again and bring some of your running buddies w/  you.

It’s Wednesday and my abs are still sore from the WW2’s w/ block.  Or at least the place where my abs used to be are sore.

Rumor has it that a new AO Q is about to be named.  very curious as to who gets tapped….TWSS

That old house that’s behind that old house on N Center is creepy as hell.  Looks like a scene from Blair Witch was filmed there.  Or the spot in Silence of the Lambs w/ she gets the hose again

Fuse is so stout that the dude broke my Ghetto Block.  Me also thinks that he’s at least partly responsible for stealing the same blocks that were left at OG???

Deep thought:  City of HKY will not accept blocks if you leave them on the street for trash pickup.  However, if you leave them hidden at one of their city parks, they will throw them away for you.  Figures.

Another rumor floating out there about a new Monday AO for those that aren’t into ER.  I’m all for it and I hope it has 20 folks each morning, but if you’re looking for me, you’ll find me at ER if I’m posting anywhere.  I just love that dirty old nasty chick too much.  I also love ER.  Wait, what?

Why would you be looking for me, weirdo?

Ok, back to the workout….I really like to use coupons and the idea of sharing them appealed to me.  The problem of rotating is that 1/2 of yall are 2x the speed of the rest of us.  This equates to a lot of planking while waiting for The Fatty.  Got to work on a solution.  Maybe just bring a crap load of extra coupons next time so you don’t have to wait on Fatty Boombalatty/Lard Ass https://youtu.be/_zZVlLBYX7g (Boom Babba Babba Boom…)???

I promised Peaches some pumpkins to use for coupons.  I lied.

Ed out



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