QIC:  Udder Butter

YHC  was stepping in for my brother Bandcamp who was scheduled to Q.  He had a conflict of nothing other than a couple of band competions. Note to Master Q that this is band season- oh yea, that is me.

With some bad weather issues disrupting my schedule this week (did I mention a tornado crossed my yard and wrecked my neighborhood?) I never got a chance to put together the WO until Friday evening.  Since I had spent several evenings this week helping drag limbs and cut logs to the road for people, I thought we should have a bootcamp to train just for that type of mission work.   That will be the nature of work needed in our area for some time to come.  So I picked a routine, smeared a little pain on it and administered it to the 9 Pax in attendance.  Here is how it went down:

SSH- x 5 (enough of those-for now)
Humpys x 10 IC
Mt Climbers x 10 IC
Alt toe touches x 10 IC
Windmills x 10 IC

Mosey around to blocks. Each Pax took a block to station 1, doing curls until arriving.

Routine has 6 stations.  There are 4 sets.  Each staion has a different exercise per set.  The stations were spread out across our hugh parking lot.  Each exercise was done OYO x 15 reps but we traveled as a group.

First set: to get conditioned for mission work we need to work our arms for moving debris.

1A-Block bench
3A-Carolina Dry docks
4A-diamond merkins
5A-Peter parkers
6A-block Derkins

Next we need to condition our legs ( help while lifting and dragging limbs)

1B-goblet squats
2B-catcher squats
3B-1 leg squats . R & L
4B-switch jumps
6B-block leg presses

Now we need to condition our core for twisting/turning

1c-L Pretzles
2c-Freddy Mercuries
3c-Rope climbs
6c-R pretzles

Now we need to improve our cardio so we can work all day.  We limited our breaks and upped the tempo on this cardio set.

2D-High knees
4D-suicide For this we did 2 full length parking lot suicides – touching at station 4, then 5, then 6 returning to station 2 after each touch.  Approx 20 yds between stations.

Each Pax then grabbed a block and did a curl walk back to block pile. Mosey to Pull up bar.

With a little time left, we added a bit more arm work.
Pull ups to exhaustion

Tricep extensions x 30 IC

Incline merkins x 30 IC

Another set of dips x 20
Mosey to flag

WOD (last set- work out our minds)

1 Chronicles 13:2 (NIV)

2 He then said to the whole assembly of Israel, “If it seems good to you and if it is the will of the Lord our God, let us send word far and wide to the rest of our people throughout the territories of Israel, and also to the priests and Levites who are with them in their towns and pasturelands, to come and join us.

We are to band together as Christians, and go out and do God’s bidding. Right now we need to show God’s love to those in need- from the recent storm. (And utilize the mission workout training we just completed)

Moleskin: we planned for anyone interested, that we would go volunteer at NC Baptist Men’s center after Coffeteria  (6 for breakfast)- for regional cleanup. 5 Paxs followed through (4 from 300 + Crop from Hky) and did an extra (Super) set by working 3 hours at a home in the Grace Chapel area.

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