QIC:  Flamer

So two days in a row as Q will do a number on you.  Wasn’t thinking of that when I switched with Suppository last week.  Oh well, bring it let’s do this.

Warmup: Windmills x 15, Humpys x 10

Mosey to Burke County for some partner or partners (cause that’s how I roll) High 5 merkins x 15

Mosey up sketchy stairs to sketchy playground (which will be featured in the new remake of Stephen King’s movie, It)

Body weight rows x 15, Swerkins x 15, and Pull ups x 10-15; Rinse and repeat

Mosey to sketchy tennis courts in the pitch dark (thank goodness I brought the headlamp)

Partner up for balls to the wall/fence while partner 2 runs suicides on the tennis courts

Next exercise was the Spoke with 10 burpees in the middle of the courts and 20 LBC’s, 20 Squats, 20 lunges, and 20 merkins on all four corners.

more balls to the wall and suicides

mosey back to flag (BTW Cuz where’s the OG flag?) up sketchy stairs, through the so called path and spider webs for abs

Flamer sit-ups, LBC’s, Boat/canoe, and Superman banana

WOD: 1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous; be strong.

WOD for Howitzer which was omitted by accident: Luke 23:33,34 which talks about forgiveness.  Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

Pray for Holcomb family who just lost their 2 year old and for all of TX for flooding.

Man this place is sketchy but fun!  There is a lot to do here. Burke county rules!  Phlegm where were you?  I thought you Hced.  Being tall and first in line sucks when going down sketchy paths because you get all the spider webs.  Man this place is sketchy…did I say that already?



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