QIC:  Publix

Our boy Freud is on IR so I agreed to step up and Q for him on this glorious Thursday.


Started with the usual:

Side Straddle Hops x 15 IC

Alternating toe touches x 15 IC

Imperial Storm Troopers x 15 IC

Little Arm Circles x 15 IC

We then moseyed over to the covered walkway and lined up around the courtyard, we then did the following circuit 3 times:

Bear Crawl

Bench Dips x 20 OYO

LBC’s x 20 IC

Lunge Walks x 10 each leg (15 on the last circuit)

Pull Ups x 8

Repeat x 3

We then moseyed over to the block pile, partnered up and grab 1 block per pair and headed over to the half well at Corinth. One partner did exercises while other ran down to the end of the drive way at the road and back. The exercises were:

Decline Merkins

Step Ups w/ OH air press

Incline Merkins


Seated Overhead Block Press

Skull Crushers

Box Cutters

Freddie Mercury

Kettle Bell Swings

We then moseyed to put our blocks back and headed over to the AO for the Count off, Name-O-Rama and WOD.

WOD was from Psalm 139: 4 – 6



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