QIC:  Kapowski

Do you know that light on 127 by Checkers?  No, you don’t, because you never had to stop at it.  Seriously, you NEVER hit that light.  YHC hit it this morning, along with every other light on 127.  This had YHC sweating some as a Q should never be late.  As I rolled in at 5:29 I felt the 13 sets of eyes on me and couldn’t help but give a celebratory honk.  I know what you all were thinking….”Here we go again, first @Publix last week (actually for his second consecutive ER Q but there were only four of us there for his first no show; YHC, Powder, Cuz, and Twig but whose counting) and now Kapowski”.  Not so lucky this time.  All that said, the lack of set up time had YHC seriously off my game this morning.  Here is how it went:



  • SSH x 15
  • Windmill Old Man Style x 6
  • Cotton Picker x 15
  • Hillbillie x 15
  • 1 lap old ER


The Thang:

Stop at bottom of stairwell and partner up

  • first partner run up ramp to top of ER and back down steps
  • Second partner amrap- Merkin, lunges, plank jack, American hammer

Each partner run twice with other partner mixing in exercises.  Plank for six and mosey to back of parking deck.

The Beast- six sets of six reps each for six different exercises with sprints between cones

  • Wide arm Merkin
  • Imperial storm trooper
  • Carolina Dry Dock
  • Squat
  • LBC
  • Burpee

Mosey back to flag.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

  • Tyler Simms race, See Plank for details




Romans 10:9-10  “If you declare with your mouth that ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”



  • YHC felt like I stumbled thought this like it was my VQ.  A few rookie mistakes like hitting snooze and not giving any time to set up…..I seriously underestimated the time it would take to run that ER ramp.
  • Anyone ever accidentally deleted an app on their phone but didn’t know which one it was.  This guy did.  Then I figured out it was my voice recorder during count-o-rama……M pointed out later YHC could have easily used his video recorder to achieve the desired results.  Good call @Twig to take a pic.  #Qfail
  • The windmill “old man style” warm up was for Cuz.  He heckled YHC during last Q for particularly fast cadence on that one.  Figured I’d slow it down for him, but he didn’t post.
  • Suppository thought YHC was serious when the question was asked “anyone know how many exercises that was” after the fifth set during The Beast.  What YHC really meant by that was “Last one, did you think it would be anything except for burpees”.  Phlegm knew immediately what YHC meant and called it out.
  • YHC was pleasantly surprised there was no mumble chatter over the emoji themed buckets used as cones during The Beast.  Here was the conversation with M last night:
    • YHC- “Do we have any cones”
    • M- “No, but I picked up some really cool emoji buckets for Fia workouts.”
    • YHC- “I’m going to get some mumble chatter on this one, but it beats running to the store at 9:00”
  • So after a few hiccups YHC figured I’d get to work, close my door, and knock the backblast out in short order to redeem myself.  Not so much.  YHC could not reset my password…..thanks again @ Taz for helping out.
  • Always a pleasure to be with you men.




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