QIC:  Double Bogey

I love working out with my brothers at The Den.  Everybody always has a story to tell, a joke that’s aching to get out, and waiting for that perfect TWSS punch line.  Nothing unusual this morning.  Just the same ‘ol laughing and giggling like a bunch of girl scouts standing outside of Wal-Mart selling cookies.  So, YHC had to make them tone it down some so we could get through the workout.  We first ran to several stations to do our warm-up.

Prisoner Squats ICX20
Little Arm Circles ICX20 (Reverse)
Chinook ICX20
Annie ICX20
Humpies ICX10
Monkey Humpers ICX25

Mosey to the hill that leads to the upper parking lot.

Bernie Sanders- Bottom of hill 10 LBC’s, ran up the hill backwards and did 10 LBC’s until we got to 50.

Still heard a lot of little school girl giggling.

We Zombie Walked a great distance and then slowsey a little and Zombie Walked another great distances.

Talking, laughing, giggling started to come down.

Mosey to football stadium parking lot.

Wilt Chamberlain- we lined up at 1st station & did 100 LBC’S. Ran to 2nd station and did 100 Squats. Ran back & did 100 Flutter Kicks. We finished with 100 Lunges.

Everything was silent at this point other than the heavy breathing and shoes slapping the parking lot.

We then played follow the leader and ran down, across, and up the stadium seats.

At the stadium:
Air Chair for 1 min X 2
Tricep Dips ICX15
Calf Raises ICX35
Air Chair Mohammad Ali ICX15
Air Chair Joe Fraisers ICX15
Air Chair Overhead Press ICX15

Mosey back to parking lot

Weezy Jefferson ICX15
Hello Dolly ICX15
6 Inches
American Hammers ICX30

Romans 6:16-18
Don’t you know that if you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of that one you obey — either of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness? But thank God that, although you used to be slaves of sin, you obeyed from the heart that pattern of teaching you were transferred to, and having been liberated from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness.

Everyone of us here is a slave to something.

We are either a slave to sin not under the freedom and authority of God,

Or we are a slave to God and set free from sin.

There are no other options open to mankind.


  • Double Bogey out with hugs and kisses



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