QIC:  Flamer

Someone gave me the crazy idea to go running last night in this nasty, nasty humidity around 7:45 after Cousin Eddie’s best newest AO in Hickory workout at Organ grinder (love the name but love the story behind it even better…after all my name is Flamer).  So needless to say my body was worn out (TWSS) wait what?  So I’m planning the workout thinking I’m so sore I don’t think my body can do that or that or that…what are we gonna do and it can’t be like a Powder workout and be candy land!

I don’t know if it was the humidity but for me this workout wasn’t easy.  But to be fair, these days, nothing is easy for me not even getting up from the couch.  So here it is:

Warmup…We did a FIA warmup this morning because I felt like a FIA member and needed it

Imperial Storm Troopers x 15, Humpy’s x 10

Mosey to courtyard at St. Lukes for Derkins x 15, Tricep Dips x 15

Mosey to St. Luke mokey bars for some Flamer body Rows (heels on partners shoulders and do a mid air bodyweight row (yes it does look really cool too)  Pax did merkins while they waited for their turn

Partner BLIMPS (Partner 1 runs to the end of the parking lot while partner 2 does exercise until partner returns)

Burpees, Lunges, Imperial storm troopers, merkins, plank jacks, and squats

Mosey to Corinth to the Flamer Tunnel of Love for some people’s chairs exercises (I know, I know too much Flamer stuff…you have to embrace your F3 nickname) Muhammed Ali’s x 15, Joe Frazier x 15, and then one of my favorite F3 named exercises, the Ascending Testicle

Mosey to Block pile for Partner Block exercises (Partner 1 runs backwards does 5 squats while partner 2 does the exercises)…this is where I got the title for todays BB…Cousin Eddie takes off running faster than I’ve ever seen him before while yelling, 1st place Bi***es!  (and then he was spent the rest of the exercise)

100 Curls, 100 bent over rows, 100 Derkins w/ block

We still had a little time left so we rinsed and repeated the 100 Curls and 50 Derkins with karaoke

Abs:  LBC x 15, RBC x15, Crazy Frogs or something like that x 10 (those are hard), Flamer situps x 8 IC each leg, and 6″ hold

WOD Philippians 2:3,4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.  I light of our plans to do more servant leadership in the community.  I also mentioned the book Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek.  It’s a quick great read about humility and serving others.

I just realized I left off the WOD from my BB for ER on Monday so here it is also:

Romans 5 talks about being justified by faith through Christ through suffering, perserverance, and developing character.  God has already won the battle so we can choose joy not matter what life may throw at us.  “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it” Lou Holtz

1st Place Bi***es!




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