QIC:  Udder Butter

YHC had a minor unexpected family emergency out of town late Friday. On my way there, I was reminded that I had offered to Q for the vacationing Crop. Oops, forgot about that one!  I arranged a standby backup.  I was able to get home by 11:30 pm so I was forced to recycle Friday’s WO but thought up a twist that included a stairway climb and descension around each exercise.  It turned out even better than what I anticipated as I cooked it up in my head the night before.  Here is what we did to get better;


LAC x 10 F & R- IC
Windmills x10 I C
IST x10 IC
Humpers x 10 IC

That’s enough, let’s get at it.  Mosey to blocks- get 2 each-move to pkg lot -leave blocks.  Run up the stairs do an exercise run down the stairs do an exercise run up the stairs do an exercise run down the stairs do an exercise. Then run 2 laps up and down the stairs  and in return for the next round .

Round 1

Up 1=25 squats 4 ct IC
Down 2=25 Merkins OYO between blocks- single ct
U3=25 Freddy Mercuries 4 ct IC
D4=25 block Curls @4 ct IC

Run 2 laps

U1=25 LBCs IC
D2=25 burpees OYO
U3=25 broad jumps across top OYO (not a peep from the Pax on this- they were slow to complete these- you would be too right after burpees)
D4=25 Single ct behind head block tricep ext IC

Run 2 laps

U1=25 Flutter kicks 4 ct IC
D2=25 lunges 4 ct IC
U3=25 monkey humpers – single ct IC
D4=25 block press 4ct IC

have to finish with 2 more laps

Put blocks back and report to pull-up bars

Hanging 2 side knee crunches x 10 2 ct IC
Box Jumps x 10 Single OYO
Derkins x10 Single IC

Tricep dips 4 ct x 10 IC

Mosey to Flag

Curb Left staggered merkins x 10 IC
Curb Right staggered merkins x 10 IC
Rev Flutters 4 ct x 10 IC
Crunchy Frogs 4 ct x10 IC

Word of the Day:

My dad was taken to the hospital.  Regardless of what anyone felt was his problem, the doctors and nurses had to take a full assessment of his health.  I listed the many tests he had to go through, one at a time.  All were necessary so that he was not treated for the wrong issue (and subsequently causing more problems).  The patient’s life often depends on their thoroughness.

We as Christians sometimes grade ourselves based on only a few tests.  We might attend regularly or we also tithe occasionally or lend our neighbor a hand and feel this makes us a good Christian.  We have to do a full assessment of our character and commitment before we can feel we are doing a ‘good job’ for Christ.  It’s a good thing that our assessment are not what gets us into heaven or we would continually come up short.  God’s going to take a full assessment on us that fateful day in the throne room and will you have crowns to offer at his feet?  Let’s be honest with ourselves about what we do for Christ and remember that even our best is only filthy rags and it is God’s Grace that makes the difference.

It is always a pleasure working out with the hard working men of Granite Falls!



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