QIC:  Udder Butter

Thursday night 8:30ish I send out a group text that YHC may conduct an unscheduled boot camp in GF the next morning.  At Granite Falls we typically do not do a Friday work out but rather go to Hickory and participate in their RAM  if we are in need of more fun.   Nothing against my Hickory homies, but I had just been on vacation the first half of the week and felt I needed more of a boot camp to tide me over till Saturday. So I tested the waters to see if I had anyone else as insane as me wanting to participate.   I received back a few he said/ she said answers and so I decided to try it. Little did I know that testing the waters would be apropos as I was not anticipating showers Friday morning. Oh well, I was all in at that point. Here is what I threw together for the group;

Little Arm Circles @4 ct x 10 F & R- IC

Windmills @4 ct x10 I C
Imperial  Storm Troopers @4 ct x10 IC

Humpies @4 ct x 10 IC

Mosey to blocks- move 1 block each to pkg lot and leave block

Mosey to Flick Video where there are 4 corners to their parking lot.   Here we ran corner to corner and completed each exercise at 25 count per corner and on the fourth corner we would run back down the sidewalk to our blocks and do that 4th routine and then back to Flick for the next round.

Round 1
C1=25 squats @ 4 ct IC
C2=25 Merkins OYO
C3=25 Freddy Mercuries @ 4 ct IC
C4=run to blocks Curls @ 4 ct IC

Run back

Round 2

C1=25 LBCs @ 4 ct IC
C2=25 burpees OYO
C3=25 broad jumps OYO
C4=run to blocks 25 tricep ext OYO

Run back

Round 3

C1=25 Flutter kicks @ 4 ct IC
C2=25 lunges @ 4 ct OYO
C3=25 monkey humpers OYO
C4=run to blocks 25 block press @ 4 ct IC

Repeat each of 12 exercises above x 10 IC

Box Jumps x 10 on nearby wall OYO

Put blocks back- run to flag for a right on time conclusion

WOD:  Described my daughter’s few days at horse clinic and her being determined yet gentle with a stubborn horse. Despite many reasons to get angry or just give up, this 10 yr old loved this animal and would not let it get the best of her.  We too are not to give up on our fellow man.  Love them no matter what.


Of the six PAX who attended this irregular WO, four have attended less than five months and two less than a month. I’m impressed with these new F3 men. They want to get better and they have grit. I am honored to work beside them.



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