QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Quick, name that movie that I stole that quote from: Too late, it’s from Raising Arizona. The best movie ever.
So we today we validated that ER still sucks. That hill still sucks. The steps still suck. The hill behind the parking deck sucks. Doing all 3 while carrying bricks sucks. Point is, she do take a bite, don’t she?  https://youtu.be/UXdTH5RTNSI

Warm up: 15 SSH x IC
Grab 2 bricks each. The first rule of grabbing two bricks each is that if you let go of a brick, you gets 10 burpees. The 2nd rule of grabbing two bricks each is, see Rule 1.
Mosey to the bottom of Test Hill. Do 50 squats somewhere between the bottom of the hill and the top of the hill. GO.
Mosey to the bottom. Do 50 Plank Jacks between bottom and top of hill. Go.
Mosey to the bottom of the hill behind Bass/Smith for an Igloo inspired Suckfest.
1 Lap consisted of running to the top of the left stairs for 10 reps of called exercise, run to next level for 5 reps, next level, 5 more. Run to bottom and sprint to the other stairwell and repeat the same exercise, same reps: 10, 5, 5.
– Burpees
– HR Merkins
– Plank Jacks
– American Hammer

Dear Diary:
– Yours truly got a case of the Tim Conway Shuffles (remember when he played the old man on the Carol Burnette show? That was me) and didn’t finish – or start – American Hammers. All other studs did.
– Patty Mayo is my favorite Bearded Millennial that just was awarded Most Likely to look like a Confederate Soldier
– Phylegm (told you I couldn’t spell it) tried to spark up a conversation with me as I was gasping for breath. Sorry fella, see Tim Conway comment for validated excuse for not talking.
– Rooster. T Claps fella. You’re getting better and it’s only been a week since you posted. Keep it up.
– Jordache speed up dude. You’re still no cyborg.
– Publix really wanted to redo some pull ups for a redemption from his now infamous Pull Up Fumble. Next time homie
– Retread thanks for the water man. Not sure I could have made it to the car without it.

Ed out.



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