QIC:  Suppository

Ok, YHC thought up a good* workout with a hill we haven’t run at Expresso in quite some time. It went like this:


SSH IC x20

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to some random corner after YHC took a wrong turn to get to said hill and

10 Burpees OYO

After asking Cousin Eddie for some help locating NE, we made it to the bottom of Brian Center Hill** and partnered up. Partner 1 ran to Brian Center parking lot for 10 Mountain Climbers while Partner 2 started on:

300 Squats

200 Merkins

100 BB situps

We then headed back up the hill to Dr Hirsch’s parking lot for Mary-

20 LBC’s IC

20 Dying Cockroaches IC

20 Freddy Mercury IC

20 American Hammers IC

Block Work at Corinth to finish out (making things up at this point)

30 Bent over Rows OYO

20 Kettle Bell Swings

Partner up for Bicep Burnout 20-18-16….

At this point we noticed the Ibex runners waiting on us, and we all knew at this point it was Squints’ 60th birthday merkin time. The War Daddy led us with 60 strong Respect Merkins, and he knocked them out better than men half his age. I want to be like Squints when I grow up.


Proverbs 11:24 Your generosity defines your experience.

-Give something away that means something to you but would mean something to someone else.

-Put your money/resources to work for someone else

-Find someone to mentor/help.


-So YHC got a little excited and turned down the wrong road trying to get to the hill and things stopped looking familiar. Good thing Cousin Eddie was there to ask for directions. He has lived in the same 5 mile vicinity for 50 some years after all.

-Definitely thought that hill was longer/steeper than it turned out to be, or maybe we are all getting better.

*It was mentioned numerous times that “we did this tuesday with Sooner”. Ok, well YHC was running Ibex. Β And Sooner didn’t write a backblast. All complaints are invalid. YHC never claimed to be original. You want some fancy new aerobic exercises? Go to Curves. Or Fuel.

** Not the Brian Center on Tate Blvd.




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