QIC:  Dru Schneeberger

6/10 – 300 Workout
7 PAX, 0 FNGs, 61 degrees

Disclaimer/warm up
Burpee (5x)
Shoulder Circles x20/fwd&rev
Burpee (4x)
SSH x20
Burpee (3x)
Alt Toe Touches x15
Burpee (2x)
Imperials x15
Burpee (1x)
Hillbillies x15

Mosey (“Bounce”) to brick pile:
“Cusak” Cement blocks to stairs
Partner up
“Colt 45s” (15,15,15)
3x through: Run Stairs, while other curls

Mosey to football field:
“Field of Dreams” base/station
1 – Squats x25
2 – Rotating Merkins x25
3 – LBCs x50
4 – Burpee x10
2x through (rinse & repeat!)

Mosey back to culdesac
“Freddie Mercury” x10
“Superman” (:25 count)
“Nolan Ryan’s” – side plank while punching Robin Ventura x10/side
“Smurf” jacks x10
“Travolta’s” – side plank while Sat Night Fever on count x10/side

Mosey to parking lot:
Each has 3 stations:
Lap 1-Carioke; Butt kicks; Carioke; High knees
Lap 2-“Paula Abdul’s” : run fwd, back peddle, run fwd, back peddle
Lap 3-“Run DMCs”: 10 Diamonds/ 20 Merkins/ 5 Carolina Crunchers.
Lap 4- Sprint to halfway; then…

Mosey to front of SCHS: (benches)
Dips x25
Monkey Humpers x15
Warrior poses:
1-Front x8
2-Side x6
3-Reverse x4
4-Side x6
5-Front x8
(Switch legs)
On our six:
Flutter Kicks x10
Box Cutters x10
Dying Cockroach x10
7 “PAX REQUESTS” to finish out x10/ea

Sound off: 7 (Twig/ UdderButter/ Kleenex/ PaulaDeen/ Padawan/ Cropduster/ Banjo)

What is better: Obedience or Sacrifice?
Many times, as men, we think that the greatest sacrifice we can offer is ourselves to others. (See John 15:13, right?!) But…
Sacrifice means independence from God. While sacrifice IS what Jesus did, and calls us to, His sacrifice was FOR us is in that God was glorified. In our daily “sacrifices”, we must discern/be aware of “why” we are serving, praying, helping, etc. Because…
Obedience is dependent trust in God.
If our motivation is outside of honoring God and glorifying Him, we are teetering on that line where “we” are receiving Gods glory, and this is not the best objective. To obey shows honor to the Authority above ourselves, and this respect permeates a humble spirit.
As we grow, ask for the wisdom to discern our motives before we act. Then, carry out an obedient act of service for The Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ!

[For further study http://bensternke.com/why-obedience-is-better-than-sacrifice/]

For today’s Students taking ACT; those Men not able to make it today; for our ability to join together in Fellowship, Faith, and Fitness; Various unspoken for all.




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