QIC:  Twin

I really wanted to hit them with something special today. I’ve notice the PAX getting stronger. I’ve noticed them getting better. So I wanted to make sure they knew it. I remember – vividly – the day we launched F3 Lenoir(exactly 84 Days ago). I wanted to throw up. I was struggling…..but I love it. I went back and pulled the launch exercise and hit the PAX with the same thing today. So they could see…..how far they’ve come. And to be honest…….we crushed it. I had to make up some exercises to get us to an hour! I’m proud of the PAX!


  • SSH ICx15
  • ATT ICx15
  • Windmills ICx15
  • Little Arm Circles ICx15
  • Rev LAC ICx15
  • IST ICx15
  • High Knees ICx10
  • Butt Kickers ICx10

Mosey to Wall

  • Muhammad Ali’s ICx15
  • Joe Frazier ICx15
  • Shoulder Press ICx15
  • Overhead Claps ICx15
  • Itsy Bitsy Spiders ICx10
  • Ascending Testicles ICx5/set
  • Rinse & Repeat

Mosey to Hill leading up to Football Field

  • Block Work (200 cumulative Squats, 100 Curls, and 100 Bench Press; partner runs to top of hill 15 Merkins, runs back and flap jacks with partner)

Mosey around High School and Middle School back to lower parking lot

  • Station 1 – 15 Peter Parkers
  • Karaoke to Station 2
  • Station 2 – 15 Mountain Climbers
  • Lunge Walk to station 3
  • Station 3 – 15 Star Jumps
  • Karaoke walk to station 4
  • Station 4 – 15 Hillbillies
  • Bear crawl back to station 1

Time with Mary

  • Baby Face called American Hammers 10 IC
  • Grout called Freddy Mercury’s – 12 IC
  • Then Grout made the mistake of saying he should have called Burpees
  • YHC called 10 Burpee’s OYO
  • Kaitlin Jenner’s – 15 IC
  • American Hammer – 30 IC


Hebrews 12:11

11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Nearly 3 months ago (84 days to be exact) we dedicated ourselves to the F3 family, I’ve seen many of these guys ugly mugs 3 times a week for several weeks. Our bodies are changing….improving, What if we applied that same discipline to our walk with God. Yeah…..it might be painful at first, but where would we be spiritually if we gave it the same dedication as F3. Christ DIED for us…….what else can we offer but our dedication.



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