QIC:  Kapowski

Admittedly when YHC was reminded by @ToothFair about this Q my first thought was “There is too much going on Saturday to deal with this”.  After further thought however, I decided to put on my big boy pants and deliver what I hope was an acceptable beatdown.  Here is how it went:


Warm-o-Rama in cadence


* SSH x 20

* Cotton picker w/clap x 15

* Windmill x 15

* Imperial Storm Trooper x 15


The Thang:


* “mosey” to hill between parking lot and soccer field

* Jacob’s ladder starting at 5 and increasing to 25 by 5s each time

*  Top of Hill WWII sit-ups

*  Bottom of hill merkins

* Plank when finished


Mosey back to school for some wall work

* Take a seat and hold

* Air Raises in cadence to 20

* Balls to the wall and hold

Rinse and repeat x 3


Mosey to steps

* Starting at bottom of steps do an incline merkin on each step and work up the steps

* At top circle back and repeat


Mosey back to parking lot and break into groups of 3.

* One group do squats at bottom of circle

* Second group do plank jacks at top of circle

* Third group run from first to second group, upon arriving do exercise group was doing while they run to next group

* Continue until new exercise was called:

*  Other exercises included step-ups,  storm troopers, LBCs, and lunges


Finish with MARY

* American Hammer

* Box Cutter

* Flutter Kick

* Juanita**


Announcements/Prayer Requests:

* Convergence at CVCC next Saturday the 8th.  Crop will be sending out info.  Pre-run at 7, main event at 8.

* Brian Bogle (Watergate)- loss of job



Instead of a verse, YHC talked about the book The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel that Sunday School Class is reading ahead of new movie. YHC is only

4 chapters in and didn’t want to completely ruin it if anyone else might want to read, but in a nutshell it is the story of how a newspaper editor went on a quest to disprove Christianity after his wife became a believer.

What he found was just the opposite. What I’ve read so far talks about the historical evidence that exists for the bible, gospels, etc., and is something I would recommend every believer study.



* Root gets MVP award for today.  No standing around when he is finished an exercise…..he will make sure to keep everyone moving and sets a great example.

* Patti Mayo clearly doesn’t watch the news.  His excuse for being late was “there is a huge sinkhole on 127”.  Where have you been all week?

* Beaker clearly doesn’t read his tweets.  After YHC specifically put out a preblast indicating no frisbee he proceeded to bring his and offer it to me for use.

* Let’s talk about the WOD…..While YHC does try to be prepared for WOD as Q, when Abraham tweeted out last night that he had invited 300 (presumably well-versed Baptists) to post YHC got a little nervous.  Seriously, probably not much YHC is going to say to a group of preachers they haven’t all heard before.  So, YHC decided to talk about the above mentioned book that has been part of the Sunday School Study.  YHC was actually feeling really good about himself until @ToothFairy’s comments.

* YHC was grouped with @Toothfairy and @Root during the partner work.  It was great to workout with you both.

* Two new FNGs, Tanner West (Lumiere) and Jay Robisen (Bandwagon).  We are glad to have you both.

* Always a pleasure to be with you men.



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