As the new Master Q for Expresso I felt it was my duty to step up and be the QIC when our brother Bing went down with an injury. So at about 8:45 on Wednesday evening here’s what I pulled together.
Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x 15 IC
Humpy’s x 15 IC
High Knees x 12 IC
We then moseyed over to the track at the elementary school for some 4 corners.
First corner by basketball court = 20 Merkins
Second corner by backstop fence = 20 Lunges
Third corner near other backstop fence = 20 LBC’s
Fourth corner at playground equipment = 10 pull-ups
The PAX did 5 rounds of four corners to get the blood flowing on this chilly morning. (On laps 3 and 4 there was a little complaining by the PAX which I always take as a good sign because I am pushing them out of their comfort zone a bit)
Then we moseyed down the steps across from the basketball court for some wall sits. We did:
Wall sits with overhead presses x 15 IC
Wall sits with Muhammad Ali’s x 15 IC
Wall sits with 1 leg up for 20 count each leg
Moseyed up the basketball court and did bear crawl down and back the court – the long ways
Then we repeated this once.
Next we moseyed over to the block pile at Corninth and partnered up. One partner did exercise while other ran down and back to end of parking lot. The exercises called were:
Block clean and Jerk
Curls for the girls
Shoulder raises (not presses)
Bent over rows
Overhead presses
We put our blocks up and finished up right on time.
We circled up for announcements, count-off, Name-O-Rama and Word of the Day.
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