QIC:  Kapowski

When YHC heard that respect Thursday had been modified by the new site Q, @Publix to allow Qs from all age demographics, I knew immediately what the workout would be.  YHC has been holding this one back for some time and felt that the timing was just about right.  Here is how it went:


Warm-o-rama in cadence

  •  SSH- 15
  • Cotton pickers with clap- 10
  • Windmill- 10


The Thang:

Mosey to front Corinth lawn.

First (but certainly not last) installment of F3 burpee championship.  Here is how it goes.  YHC sets his timer for one minute and calls out an exercise.  We start with one burpee and then perform the called exercise for the balance of the minute.  Next minute we do two burpees and the called exercise and so forth.  When you can no longer complete the burpees in one minute you are done with burpees and complete the called exercise for the entire minute.  We do this until there is only one person left doing burpees and that person is our champion.


Exercises that were called (there were 20), in no particular order and YHC is certain he has some wrong but this is close:

  •  Merkin
  • Imperial Storm Trooper
  • LBC
  • Wide Merkin
  • SSH
  • Freddy Merk
  • Squats
  • Peter Parker
  • Mountain Climber
  • Pretzel
  • Hand Release Merkin
  • Box Cutter (called by Beaker)
  • Juanita
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Monkey humpers
  • High knees
  • Plank jacks
  • RBC
  • There were two others, YHC can’t remember what they were


Mosey across street to Viewmont Elementary track.  With partner one runs lap with hands over head while other performs exercise, then flapjack.  Exercises were LBCs, squats, and lunges.


Mosey back to St. Luke’s for Mary.

  •  Freddy Merk
  • Superman Bannana
  • Dying Cockroach



  •  Q School March 18th Granite
  • April Convergence
  • F3 Dads camp 8/11-8/13, sign-up should start next week- sign up early if you are interested


Prayer Requests:

  •  Crop Duster stopped as he was driving past on his way to his daughter’s in Charlotte while we were warming up to ask us to pray for his daughter (Alisha) and her roommate.  Last night or early this morning their apartment was broken into and both of their cars were stolen.  Thankfully, they were unharmed.  Keep them in your prayers.



Root lead us on a discussion of Joshua 1.  The Lord told Joshua he would be with him and give the Israelites “everywhere they set their feet”.  God told them 3 times to be strong and courageous.  Joshua 1:7-9 “Be strong and very courageous.  Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go….Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous….for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Root made the analogy to F3.



  • Alright, YHC typically doesn’t do this, but I’m going to gush a little on our very own Herniator.  Luckily he isn’t on Twitter so he’ll never see this.  First of all, to no one’s surprise; Herniator is our F3 Hickory burpee champion who stopped at 20, long after everyone else (Freud stopped somewhere in the upper teens for second).  That doesn’t tell the story.  YHC had a brief conversation with Herniator later in the workout and here is how it went….
    • YHC  “That was incredible.  When you stopped at 20 there were 5 seconds left, I think you could have gotten 21 or 22 if you hadn’t stopped”
    • Herniator “I didn’t want to hold everyone else up”.
    • For starters, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was working pretty hard just doing the non-burpee exercises and he wasn’t holding us up.  Had his comment come from anyone else, YHC included, one could have made the safe assumption that we were absolutely gassed and in reality couldn’t have done one more burpee.  Not the case here, Herniator truly meant what he said, he could have done more.  I am amazed at how humble he is.
    • Then he called @Jordache a little b*tch for not being there and said he would have gone to 30 if that was the case because no way @Jordache could beat him. (Ok, I made that last part up, but seriously, I’m starting to think @Jordache is avoiding him)
  • YHC has to give credit to @F3WinstonSalem’s @TotalRecall for first exposing me to the burpee challenge
  • YHC purposely didn’t have counting during the partner exercises at the end because Cuz always complains it takes away from the mumble chatter.  Crickets.
  • Great to have @Freud back from his knee injury.
  • As YHC was picking up @Root this morning I realized I had failed to prepare a word of the day.  When I asked @Root if he felt inspired he had a message ready and did way better than YHC could have done, thanks @Root.
  • Always a pleasure to be with you men.



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