QIC:  Abraham

So, YHC pulls into to his reserved parking place on the corner of Center St. & 3rd Av exactly 5 minutes before the ER is to begin and . . . nobody there. No. Bod. E. A minute later the good Doc, Herniator, pulls up and ask where is everybody. YHC says, “I don’t know. It is Monday, right?” But there were some familiar cars parked nearby with F3 stickers on the rear windshields, so the Doc and YHC were befuddled. While the two of us stood on the corner wondering what to do, wondering if we are being pranked by a bunch of PAX hiding in the bushes, up pulls Cousin Eddie. No, he doesn’t know either.
What the heck. Let’s mosey. We took off and ran the ramps up to the top deck of the ER parking garage. Once there, and once YHC caught his breath, he said, “Okay, we’re going to do the Blimp from Hell. (No, you won’t find it in the exercise lexicon. YHC made this one up the night before.)
Start on the top deck by the door to the tallest stairwell – 10 burpees
Run down the stairs, exit on the ground level – 10 burpees
Run across to the door to the other stairwell – 10 burpees
Run up the stairs, exit onto the top deck – 10 burpees
Run across to the door where we started – 10 burpees
Repeat the run but at each of the 5 stops – 20 lunges
Repeat the run but at each of the 5 stops – 30 Imperial Storm Troopers
Repeat the run but at each of the 5 stops – 40 merkins
Repeat the run but at each of the 5 stops – 50 plank jacks
At his point, thank the good Lord, we were out of time and didn’t have to repeat the run doing 60 squats at each stop. Maybe next time. There will be a next time.
Totals – 50 burpees, 100 lunges, 150 ISTs, 200 merkins, 250 plank jacks
Grand total – 750 reps, just under 2 miles
Back at the flag the mystery of the F3 cars but no F3 PAX was solved. Bing, Powder, and Kapowski were there looking sweaty. They had met earlier to get in a nice long run to prep for the P200. Rumor has it that they covered about 7 miles, except for Bing who opted for some speed work along with the distance. He got in about 5 miles. Proud of these guys for taking the P200 seriously and getting in shape for it.
Also proud of Cuz and Hernaitor. The Blimp from Hell was definitely not easy but they hammered it out. We’ll do it again when PAX actually post. Y’all come. You’ll get better.
In the COT it was all Jeremiah 12:5, “If you have raced with the foot soldiers and they have worn you out, how then shall you run with the horsemen? If you stumble in the open country, how will you manage in the thickets of the Jordan?”
Life is hard. Be strong. Be fast. And with the Lord’s help, be ready for when life gets really hard.
You ain’t gonna get ready in the fartsack.



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