QIC:  Beaker

Beaker made his debut at F3 after 5 weeks off to heal a wounded leg.  Great to be back in the gloom with the boys from The Mount!  YHC wore his Christmas because he gave the Pax a gift and cut back on the running while the leg continues to heal up.  Here’s our time together:


SSH, Humpys, IST, Windmills, Forward Arm Circles, Reverse Arm Circles, ATT – all were done IC with reps varying from 15-20

Mosey to picnic tables for Incline Merkins, Step-ups, Tricep Dips, Step-ups, Decline Merkins – all were done IC with reps varying from 10-15

Long Mosey to block pile

12/”25″ Theme – 2 Block Burpess followed by 5 IC of a called exercise.  We went through several rounds of this – the 5 IC exercises were Bench Press, Curlz for the Girlz, Goblet Squats, Kettle Bell Swings, Block Step Ups, Overhead Press…all X2.  We added three moseys to the end of the drive and back in between rounds.

Mosey to wall at medical building for Wall Sits – two rounds with Muhammed Ali’s and Overhead Press.

Mosey to flag for some Mary including YHC’s signature Jane Fondas


Count Off and Name-O-Rama – a warm F3 Hickory welcome to FNG Lane Thompson – “M.AS.H.”

Announcements – Lenoir launch this Saturday 3/4…F3 Hickory Convergence coming up in April at CVCC on 4/8.

WOD – Trust God to provide all that we need

Favorite moment of the morning was when Has Been got so excited about the less running announcement and jumped (literally) into YHC’s arms.  Awesome!



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