QIC:  Publix

Made my way in the gloom to Hurler this morning for some fun with the boys in Granite Falls. Still not sure how no one has been run over at this AO yet but I wanted to keep it that way.


Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC

Imperial Storm Troopers x 20 IC

Alternating Toe Touches x 15 IC

Humpy’s x 15 IC

The Thang: 

Started out with some Partner work. One partner did exercises while other ran down to the light pole and back, then switch off until the combined team totals for the exercises reach the following:

50 Burpees

75 Lunges

100 LBC’s

125 Merkins

150 Plank Jacks

175 Squats

After we completed this fun filled circuit we moseyed down the street to the block pile (For the heaviest da… blocks at any AO). Everyone got a coupon and we did

Curls x 30

Overhead Press x 20

Flutter Kicks x 15 (Some of which were nice and slow)

Bent Over Rows x 20

Skull Crushers x 15

Kettlebell Swings x 15

After we completed this circuit we moseyed down the road to the far corner where we stoped for:

Pretzel Crunches x 8 each side IC

Monkey Humpers x 15 IC

Then we Moseyed around the block and returned to our coupons for another round of exercises:

Curls x 30

Overhead Press x 20

Flutter Kicks x 15 (Some of which were nice and slow)

Bent Over Rows x 20

Skull Crushers x 15

Time was up so they got out of having to do another round to Kettlebell swings. Moseyed back to the AO for announcements, count-off, name-o-rama, WOD and of course the famous Granite Falls F3 selfie

WOD was about how we should prioritize our life: God, Wife, Children, Parents, Extended Family, Other brothers / sisters in Christ, everyone else, everything else



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