QIC:  Abraham

YHC knew this would happen. Desertion. Some kinda middle school capture the flag thing in Gastonia was too much of a temptation for the usual suspects that post at Whipping Stick and they went A.W.O.L.. What we’ll never know is if they REALLY wanted to go on the raid with Bing or were looking for any excuse possible to avoid one of YHC’s beatdowns. That’s doubtful though, because Tooth Fairy posted and he absolutely HATES it when YHC leads. Mocks the Q saying, “Okay, next exercise is THE MERKIN, 8,000 of them, 4 count, OYO.” Not sure what his problem is, but he’s always making unkind remarks about YHC’s Q efforts.
Whatever. You take what you can get. Whipping Stick got 3 PAX who were willing to forego the Gastonia Raid, stay in town, and lift heavy things. Since there were only 3 of us things were a bit, how shall we say, informal. Instead of YHC doing a drill instructor imitation we took turns calling the exercises. A little like egalitarian communists, but that’s what we did. It worked too. TF & T-Bone came up with good stuff. It’s probably some form of PTSD but recalling all those exercises ain’t gonna happen. We did stuff, lots of stuff in the warm-up, then moseyed down to the football field where YHC’s truck was parked with a trailer behind it. Truck and trailer were loaded with real heavy things.
If the deserters hadn’t deserted YHC had a plan for using all the heavy things repeatedly. But it was just the three of us so we took turns calling exercises again, using only 2 of the items on board.
First, we placed heavy pavers on one corner of the football field. Never seen these things before. No telling where Binary got them but they are heavy. On the opposite corner of the football field we placed cement blocks. No, the ginormous tractor tire and the utility poles weren’t put into play. Would have been if the deserters had shown up, but they’d stayed on the back of YHC’s truck and trailer.
We must’ve made 4 or 5 laps around the field, stopping at each corner where the coupons were. At each stop each one of us would call an exercise using the heavy things. Worked pretty well too . . . most of the time. Some of the things we tried were undoable, so we’d junk it and do something else. YHC can’t possibly remember all those different lifts and swings and throws and such. If you really want to know you should’ve been there.
Now, a word about Fuse. He had agreed to meet YHC at 5:15 for a pre-run of 5 or 6 miles before the beatdown. When YHC arrived, right on time, Fuse was already there and looking a little sweaty. Come to find out Fuse had started running at 4:00am. He’d already done 8 miles or so before YHC even showed up. We kept our agreement and did a little over 5 miles before the beatdown started. But while YHC, TF, & T-Bone were spending an hour swapping exercises Fuse lit out for another 6 miles. While we were finishing up back at the flag in the COT, here comes Fuse, cruising in with a total of almost 19 miles.
Fuse – he’s 1) a real stud, 2) a super dedicated runner, or 3) completely insane. Take your pick.
YHC shared a good spiritual moment he had a few mornings ago when he felt God’s Spirit politely tell him to shut up, just sit, enjoy God’s presence, and be thankful. Psalm 118 came to mind and YHC read from parts of it.
After a prayer we headed to Granny’s and had 100% attendance at coffeeteria.
Yeah, yeah, it was only 3 of us but 100% is 100%. T-Bone even drove to Bethlehem to help YHC unload all that heavy stuff.
A good morning, deserted or not.


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