DATE: 2024-02-15
AO: Expresso
Q: Ashley Hightower – Doughboy
PAX: Ashley Hightower – Doughboy, Creamsicle, Ferdinand, Hky Goodwill, Kazoo – Nick Seiler, Tooth Fairy FNGs: None
WARMUP: Motivators, ATT’s, Arm Circles, OHD Claps, Humpies
THE THANG: merkin hell followed by flutter kicks, box cutters, and gas pumps. Then rack and stack with burpees, shoulder taps, merkins, sit ups, squats, and SSH. Followed that up with VALENTI workout. Ran out of time for the last 2 letters. MARY: she was there.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence
COT: I Corinthians 13:4-8
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