DATE: 2023-11-25
AO: Er
Q: Sparkles
PAX: Chris Diamond/ Ricky Bobby, Will ‘Powder’ Faulkner, Twig, cousin Eddie, Hky Goodwill, Gasman, Cheezwiz, Kazoo – Nick Seiler FNGs: Anyone I forgot
WARMUP: the regular stuff plus burpees
THE THANG: we toured the parking deck up to red deck, where we partnered up and crisscrossed our way down the deck and back up again doing an exercise every time we met.
Next we worked our way down the ramps, doing some backwards running. Then up the ramps doing merkins at every turn. Then back down doing squats at every turn. MARY: 6 inch hold for 60 seconds.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence. Christmas party. New years at bakers COT:only we try to limit the abilities of an all powerful God.



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