DATE: 2023-03-21
AO: Hurler
Q: DeuceF3
PAX: Matlock, Twig, Banjo, Udder Butter
FNGs: Dory
WARMUP: SSH x20, Windmill x10, Merkin x10, Mountain Climber x10, Plank Jack x 10
THE THANG: Mosey to the library. Clip Board Dude: Each pax picks an exercise for the others to do while they run around the building; two rounds. Lt Dans: 1:2 up to 10:20 Squats:Lunges. Four Corners: Four rounds, Ab exercises at each corner, SSH in the middle. MARY: Plenty of Abs in The Thang.
MOLESKINE: Great work out there guys! I think a bunch of guys chose to sit out what could be the last below freezing morning this spring. Can’t say I blame them too much, as my bed sure was warm. But as usual, I’m happy I made the choice to take the daily red pill this morning. Always the best choice of the day.
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