DATE: 2023-03-09
AO: Tower
Q: Biscuits (comz)
PAX: Patti Mayo, Katniss, Sinkhole, Biscuits (comz)
FNGs: Yogi (Actual Q)
WARMUP: Humpies, Arm Circles, ATT’s, and SSH’s
Moseyed to 70, at 4 telephone poles we did an exercise at each pole: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 20 LBC’s, 30 Merkins. Repeat but with: 5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 20 Gas Pumps, 30 WAM’s. Repeat again: 5 burpees, 10 Lunges each leg, 20 Flutter Kicks, 30 Hand Release Merkins.
Moseyed to track: at five stations did 5 burpees, RBC’s, Carolina Dry Docks, and Smurf Jacks. Increase by 5 at each station (except for burpees)
Moseyed to wall: wall sit while PAX take turns running around the flag pole and back.
COT: Speak Truth to yourself so you don’t act out in unhealthy Anger.
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