DATE: 2023-03-07
AO: Station
Q: Gump Got Gumption
PAX: Gump Got Gumption, Thin Mint, APPleSauce, Babyface, HayHay, Chad Bolick-Diamond Dave, Doghouse, Feeny, Gasman, Good Hands, Jake Brake, jeff allen- o’douls, Lynn Starnes-Delivery, Medball (Nan’tan), Misfire, Pony, Stovepipe, Whittle FNGs: None
WARMUP: Mission. 5 core principles. Disclaimer.
A warmup of sheer brilliance involving all 18 PAX and to lead off the station’s 6th anniversary: SSH in cadence (6 count each in succession by each PAX). Added up to 216. – [ ] Moose knuckle Merkins – in similar circular cadence (2 count each)
THE THANG: With loins already burning and the anticipation similar to a 7 year old on Christmas PAX set off on their voyage into the unknown following a dictator drunk on waning power. – [ ] We moseyed towards the pickleball court mixing in some sprints, yesom’s, 🏀 side to side drills.
– [ ] Once at pickleball we split into 4 quadrants of the courts for some crawling laps and ascending exercises.
– [ ] Each lap started with a figure 8 crawl on the pickleball court – lap 1: 10 picklepounders. Lap 2 Pickle pounders + 10 monkey humpers 3. First 2 + 10 deep squat jumps 4. First 3+10 diamond merkins. Didn’t include count of Delivery humping the Q for one last go – to paraphrase History of the World Part I “it’s good to be the king 👑”.
– [ ] Hips don’t lie on the court: 10 lateral ladders each leg, 10 donkey kicks, 10 dog pissers, 10 net kicks (all each leg in a cadence counted emphatically by a cross-eyed Q).
– [ ] Merkin minuet. 10 cobra merkins. 10 wide armed merkins. 10 shoulder tap merkins. 10 ranger merkins.
– [ ] Bataan death March – two lines style with last man in line doing 2 burpees and then heading to the front. Repeat for last man in line and around the ol fresh chef we went.
– [ ] Stopped by the amphitheater after our BDM (and some sick bollard jumping by @Doghouse and myself. I’m Wesley Snipes in this image and 🐕 🏡 is Woody Harrelson) for some rapid fire dips, crab dips, incline merkins, decline merkins and step ups.
MARY: what insanity would the mad king unleash next? Back to the pad for – in cadence (6 circle count again) – [ ] Flutter kicks – in cadence (3 count each)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for Ricky Allen and Colton (car wreck accident – ICU)
COT: – [ ] Interesting to pick this day – 1 year ago Meredith found out she had cancer.
– [ ] I wanted to speak about bearing one another’s burden – because you have borne it for me even if you never knew it. I’ve had some of the toughest 18 months of my life – my mother in law attempted suicide, my wife was diagnosed, but they’ve also been among the best because of your support of your bearing my concern and struggles in these early morning hours.
– [ ] Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
– [ ] Relationships are costly; they require a lot from us. Individualism and keeping our distance is easier, but it doesn’t cultivate oneness and unity like burden-bearing.
– [ ] This is the nitty-gritty reality of being part of a community where we’re all sinners. We must continually forgive, show patience towards one another, let love cover sin, and bear with one another.
– [ ] As Bonhoeffer says, “He who is bearing others knows that he himself is being borne [by others too], and only in this strength can he go on bearing.”
– [ ] With this I thank each of you – naming each man around the circle and thanking them for their support and letting me lead as Site Q.
Then in a last gasp to retain power – I made an ask of VP Mike Pence (F3 Marshmallow thighs) to overturn the election, but the lousy bastard said something about the F3 constitution and legality. Coup attempt deflated, Gump handed the reins over to Thin Mint who will do a tremendous job leading these truly wonderful men into the future and experiencing his own growth in the process. You got this Thinny 👊🏻
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