DATE: 2023-03-06
AO: Evening-Wood
Q: Ashley Hightower – Doughboy
PAX: Ashley Hightower – Doughboy, Bubbly, Caboose, Flamer, Lil Sweet FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles- forward and reverse, ATT, Humpies – all warm ups done in 5 count
THE THANG: Wanted to introduce the MOUNT to evening wood. Started with a MOUNT ladder. 10 reps of each MOUNT exercise then run down the parking lot and do 11 LBC. Then 9 and 12 and so on to 1 and 20. Second part of the workout was affectionately called Run, Burpee, Run. Should have been called Burpee, Run, Burpee. Anyway the idea was start at one end of the parking lot and do 1 burpee, run to the other end and do 2 burpees, run back and do three burpees and so on up to 10 burpees. We had a little time left so finished up with 5 ct Welsh Dragons and 20 ct each side one arm rows. MARY: see above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mortimer and talk of a convergence
COT: Jeremiah 29:11. God has a plan for us and we don’t always understand what it is or why we’re going through it, but we need to trust Him.



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