DATE: 2023-03-04
AO: Whipping-Stick
Q: Medball (Nan’tan)
PAX: Lil Sweet, cousin Eddie, Markup, Tooth Fairy, Creamsicle, Beaker, Flamer, Skaggs FNGs: Frank and Beans
WARMUP: scouting lap, GT squats, LBACs, ATT’s, Phelps
THE THANG: start at bottom of the stairs. bear crawl up and down all 5 sets of stairs, partner up- each pax wheel barrows up all 5 sets of stairs
Turn on 90’s workout mix
5 stations (one on each level), 10 reps, as many rounds as possible for 15 minutes: monkey humpers, merkins, prisoner reverse lunges, LBC’s, star jumps
block work- squats, curls, skull crushers. 10 reps and rotate to the right…4 rnds
straight-away runs- half speed, then full speed
MARY: LBC’s IC x30
ANNOUNCEMENTS: QSource, Mortimer, Station birthday (3/7), Easter Convergence 4/8 COT: Hebrews 12:1- don’t be a baby elephant
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