DATE: 2023-01-28
AO: Copperhead-Creek-Tville
Q: Pedro Martini
PAX: 3dog, Clifford The Big Reg Dog, The Dude, Tapeworm
FNGs: 2.0’s: PBJ, Lambchop
WARMUP: SSH/ATT/Humpies/MT Climbers
YHC just happen to find a few 8ft poplar poles in some trees we were cutting for a neighbor and thought to myself, “self, you know who’d love to carry some poles?” Then I answered, “The men of F3 Taylorsville, who else!” Correct-a-mundo! So I loaded them up and brought them with me. PAX partner up and get to know your log with 5 IC shoulder to shoulder. Next, to get our shoulders loosened up, we slow moseyed those puppies around the track.
Then we began the lumberjack ladder:
Still sharing the pole- start with 10 overhead press, walk 25-30 yards, 1 squat. You know the rest.
Itsy Bitsy Spiders on the log- 15 IC
Dora 1-2-3 w/ log
P1: flip log out 3x and back while P2 does the exercise and flapjack like normal E1: Burpee (modified to 75)
And time… Name off/Count off
Genesis 6-9 Noah’s Ark… our only hope and comfort in this life and the life to come is that we are in Christ. He endured the wrath of God on our behalf, and He has promised that all that come to Him in repentance and faith will now have everlasting life.
– Bojangles is bipolar. We hates it Sméagol.
– Due to the above the new dead pecker bench is at McDonald’s
– YHC’s 2.3 may grow up to be a locksmith as many times as he’s had to shimmy in and open the door when I lock my keys in my truck. – Tville PAX love the Cowboys.. **checks notes** love making fun of the Cowboys
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