DATE: 2023-01-19
AO: Tower
Q: Ashley Hightower – Doughboy
PAX: Aaron Slutsky – Arby’s, Katniss, Nimon Badgley (Doc), Patti Mayo, Reading Rainbow, Sinkhole, Biscuits (comz) FNGs: Yogi
WARMUP: SSH’s, Little Arm Circles – Forward and Reverse, Overhead Claps, ATT’s, Humpies
THE THANG: 7 of Diamonds in the parking lot – performed 7 reps of burpees in the 4 corners of the parking lot, 14 SSH’s, 21 merkins, and 28 squats. Cut the parking lot in half and then performed 4 corners with burpees in the middle. Do 3 burpees, lunge walk to a corner and perform 20 merkins, back to middle for 3 burpees, lunge walk to next corner and perform 20 WAM’s and repeat with Diamond Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks. Repeated this with 10 reps of the same exercises.
MARY: 1 minute plank hold, 45 second side plank hold left and 45 second plank hold on right side. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bingo, Mortimer, and Halloween Hobble
COT: keep your mind free from fear, worry, and doubt. Philippians 4:8
“Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable — if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy — dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 CSB
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