DATE: 2023-01-17
AO: Station
Q: Feeny
PAX: Stovepipe, Whittle, Misfire, Medball (Nan’tan), jeff allen- o’douls, Doghouse, Pony, Chad Bolick-Diamond Dave, APPleSauce, Lynn Starnes-Delivery FNGs: None
WARMUP: Lots of stretching to get our arms and legs ready
THE THANG: It’s all about the Benjamins. Four exercises, curls, squats, overhead press, American hammer 100 each. Do 25 with the block; Rifle carry the block across the field. Rince and repeat until you get 100. Start over with the next exercise. Some modified up by working on their burpee challenge.
MARY: Lazy Dora. Just like Dora except no running. Exercises, 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 squats. Round 1, partner 1 does a 10 count while partner 2 holds plank. Alternate until completed. Next round, P1 20 count, P2 six inch leg hold; Round 3, P1 30 count, P2 Al Gore. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mortimer, Q Source
COT: Feeny fessed up and said he didn’t want to do this today. He was reminded of Paul’s words to the Galatians and other churches, “Don’t grow weary of doing good, for in due season good things will result.” Paul’s way of saying, “Do it any way because when we do the good things, good things are the result.” So, when we feel like fart sacking or just not showing up, do it anyway!
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