DATE: 2023-01-06
AO: Ram
Q: Hky Goodwill
PAX: Feeny, Flamer, Belding, Twig, Phlegm, Plank, Ferdinand, Sparkles, Will ‘Powder’ Faulkner, Jason Reutter, Medball (Nan’tan), cousin Eddie, APPleSauce, Markup FNGs: Ricky Bobby, Target, Gas Man, Cheese Whiz
WARMUP: SSH, Humpys, Runner’s Stretch, ATT

THE THANG: Mosey out parking lot and down side street toward Hickory High. Stop at Tooth Fairy’s 🦷 office for a round of Monkey Humpers.
Cross the street to HHS parking lot #1. Line up abreast and backwards jog halfway across lot, when Q calls Turn, turn around and sprint to end. Repeat x 2 w/ exercise in between: LBCs, RBCs, Wide-Grip Merkins.
Mosey around HHS to parking lot #2. Lunge walk across lot, Wide Grip Merkins. Mosey to lot #3. Line up abreast, shuffle step until Switch is called, flip around facing other direction and shuffle to end. Mosey to bottom of Hickory High Hill.
Ladder to 7 up and down HHH. Jump Squats at bottom, Big Boy Sit-ups at top. Mosey toward 5th St NE and LR.
Stop at apartment complex entrance for Incline Merkins, Tricep Dips, mosey back to the flag.

MARY: Mixed in

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q source starting back in person next Wed, 2 locations. Cuz is buying breakfast at one. Don’t let that opportunity pass you by. Iron Sharpens Iron Sundays, Short Sales office.

COT: My word and goal for starting 2023 is Consistency. Mostly with exercise, but in all areas of life.

Site Q duties (and a brand new shiny shovel flag) handed off to one of the most positive, quiet but consistent guys at RAM, Stiffy. He’ll lead it well.



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