DATE: 2023-01-02
AO: Steeple
Q: Nimon Badgley (Doc)
PAX: Biscuits (comz), Katniss, Reading Rainbow
FNGs: Yogi
WARMUP: Side straddle hops, forward arm circles, reverse arm circles, overhead claps – in cadence 10x THE THANG:
LBCs, American hammers, flutter kicks, LBCs. Added a new exercise after each one. 10x in cadence.

Ladders: Set of curls, ran to the other end of the parking lot and did merkins. Started with 10 reps of each and decreased by 2. Did a set of overhead presses and ran to the other end of the parking lot and did diamond merkins. Started with 10 and decreased by 2.

Next – did 10 reps of each exercise, but added a new exercise after each one. Merkins, curls, burpees, overhead press, lunges, rows and squats.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Back to the Tower on Thursdays this month.
COT: The new year can sometimes bring anxiety and a lot of unknowns. God reassures us that nothing is left to chance and that He has everything under control.



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