DATE: 2022-10-29
AO: Copperhead-Creek-Tville
Q: Pedro Martini
PAX: 3dog, Clifford The Big Reg Dog, Tapeworm
FNGs: Lambchop , PBJ, Powerband, Tool Man
WARMUP: ATT, Humpies
Grab a block. Complete all exercises for one set. Descending number of reps each set. (Single count) Reps: 30, 25, 20, 15, 10
Exercises: Squat, Wall Sit (seconds), SSH, OH Press w/ block, LBC, Merkin, Bent Over Rows w/ block, step ups, dips, curls for gurls. Extra credit: Itsy Bitsy Spiders- 5 oyo

Total rep count- 1025

COT: 1 Thess 5:14- and we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.

We blast out reps for 1st F. We eat BEC’s each week to replenish the calories burned for 2nd F. But don’t forget the 3rd F. Admonish and spur on the brothers that are idle not only at F3, but have also become idle in their relationship with their M, 2.0s, and most of all their Creator. Encourage your brothers who are struggling with the infinite pressures of life. Be there to lend a helping hand to those men with whom you sweat and swear each morning and evening in the gloom.



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