DATE: 2022-10-24
AO: Er
Q: Short Sale
PAX: cousin Eddie, Jordache, Short Sale, Twig, Will ‘Powder’ Faulkner, Will Clark – CrossStitch FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, IST, Humpy’s, GM’s
THE THANG: Blocks and B.L.O.C.K.S.
Burpees + Sprints + 🏐🏀⚽️‘s to the Wall
MARY: High/Lows | Asheville Abs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter is out! Hill-oween + HalloweenEr 🌭

COT: Love has a lot to do with life.

Victor Frankl wrote in his book recalling the condition of the human mind while being imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp – Man’s Search for Meaning

“For the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth – that Love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire. Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love.”

Viktor would often think of his wife and their love for each other, not knowing where she was or if she was even alive. This helped keep him alive through the worst human conditions possible.

Love is powerful.

Thanks for letting me lead!




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