DATE: 2022-09-26
AO: Er
Q: Ferdinand
PAX: Ferdinand, cousin Eddie, Will Clark – CrossStitch, Will ‘Powder’ Faulkner, Twig, AppleSauce FNGs: cheese whiz
WARMUP: SSH, perfect Merkin, Imperial storm trooper
THE THANG: 1 Lap Ol school ER but you do 20 reps of perfect merkins & 20 spoon squats.

grab a partner and block and meet at the funeral home
1 partner bear crawls, the other did a multitude of exercises including – we’re not worthy, alpos, curls, ohp, goblet squats

same partner work on Oakwood Hill & Test hill- those do not get any easier. MARY: she was busy
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Halloween hobble, State Clemson game
COT: Tell someone you love them. Share your love and care. Life is fragile.



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