DATE: 2022-09-10
AO: Copperhead-Creek-Tville
Q: 3dog
PAX: The Dude, Pedro Martini, Clifford The Big Reg Dog, Tapeworm, 3dog FNGs: PBJ, Powerband, Toolman, CrossDresser
ssh x 10
istx 10
humpies x 10
Make a quick mile run to the high school once there 3-Dog set us up for something called First and Ten. We started on the 10 yard line did one 4 count squat(all squats were 4 count) and 10 burpees run to goal line and run back to the 20, 2 squats 9 burpees run to goal line and back to the 30, 3 squats 8 burpees run to goal line and back to the 40, 4 squats 7 burpees run to goal line and back to the 50 , 5 squats 6 burpees run to goal line and back to the 40, 6 squats 5 burpees run to Gola line and back to the 30, 7 squats 4 burpees to the gols line and back to the 20, 8 squats 3 burpees to the goal line and back to the 10, 9 squats 2 burpees to the goal line 10 squats 1 burpees run to the back of the endzone. Line up on the goal line and dead sprint to the opposite goal line.
Now time to run the steps on the bleachers I think there are 6 sets of steps and make sure you hit every step. Ran all six then just for fun went up and down the last sets one more time. And we followed all of that up with a 30yd bear crawl across the parking lot. And a mile run back to the park to finish it all off.
November 19th T’ville half marathon
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