QIC:  Powder
  PAX:  Cuz Eddie, Ferdinand, HBC, Twig
  Date:  12/20/21
  AO:  ER

Warmup- IST, Hilly Billy, Humpies, Windmills, Little Arm Circles (all IC X15)


The Thang- Mosey around the block to Cemetery Hill for some partner work. Since there was 4 of us this would be perfect. P1 runs backwards while P2 does 3 Burpees then P1 sprints to catch P2 then flip flop, continue that to the top of the hill. As we are running up the hill we see a PAX coming down to meet us and look who it is, Cousin Eddie. Cuz had texted YHC Sunday to say I was on the Q but after warmups were over… Still no Cuz so I was ready to give a very hard time. BUT here he comes down the hill saying “Pipes were rattling so I knew I was going to be a little late.” HAHA. Once we got to the top of the hill we did Flutter Kicks & Gas Pumps (IC X15). Hop up and head to breeze way at Oakwood Elementary for Tricep Dips IC X10, Incline Merkins IC X10, and Step Ups IC X15. RINSE AND REPEAT that whole sequence. After round 2 mosey to Powder Hill behind the concrete beast. Ladder from 10-1 hand release merkins at the bottom and Smurf Jacks at the top. Mosey to wall on concrete beast for People’s Chair and Overhead Press IC X15. We had 5 mins left and you can’t come to ER without running some stairs so each PAX had to sprint to the top of the staircase while the other 4 did 5mins of Mary. Mosey back to the flag.


WOD- Failure is apart of life but the great news is that God is there to pick us up out of the dirt and say “Let’s try again!”




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