QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Twiggy, Pumpernipos, Cheesy Whizard, CE
  Date:  11/01/21
  AO:  ER

5:27, driving down N Center St.  As I approach the corner of N Center St & 3rd Ave, it’s a ghost town.  No shovel flag, no pax, no pre-runner’s cars.  Traffic in general was light.  

5:28:  CE and Twig are there…talking, but also looking anxiously to see if anyone else will join us.  There’s still a small shimmer of hope that if no one else shows, we could just quietly walk back to our cars and head to our respective fart sacks.  Or maybe head to Bojimmies for some biscuits and coffee.  That move?  It’s called The Star.  Check the Lexicon.

5:29:  Pump rolls up.  Talking continues.  

05:30:  Workout starts.  Warmups.  

05:33:  True to Standard Operating Procedure, Cheese Whiz rolls up.  

05:34 – 06:15:  Workout happened

Not going into the details so I can put it on repeat sometime soon.  I enjoyed it.  Will tweek one or two things.  


  • Finishing a workout anytime between 06:01 – 06:14?  That’s called Welcome to the Station. 
  • As long as I can fog a mirror, that junk will not fly in the HKY.  Workouts end at 06:15:00.       
  • As promised, the Halloween Chili + IPA Bombs were hot and fresh. 
  • Pump apparently also had chili last night.    
  • Apparently the Site Q and his Sidekicks had a widdle too much candy last night…Aww.  Their widdle bellies felt too icky to post.  
  • As long as Twig can fog a mirror, he’s going to blast out of the gate like a bat out of Hades.
  • As long as Cheese can fog one, he’s going to roll up at 05:33 and not a second sooner. 
  • As long as Pump can fill his pants up with corn, he’s going to fill his pants up with corn.  Dude is a poster child for IBS. 
  • Finishing a workout with 1/2 mile total distance?  That’s called Welcome to the Mount. 
  • Finishing a workout without breaking a sweat?  Tooth Fairy…still don’t know how that’s possible. 
  • Finishing an actual full form burpee?  Definitely not called a Patty Mayo.
  •  Still time to roll to Evening Wood if your tummy feels better.  





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