QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Happy Trees, Creeper, Plumpernickles, Plank, Feeny, Katrina, Centerfold, Jake Brake, Buoy, Flamer, Deer Tick, Bolt Ons, Redskins, Putin, Mary Lou, Number Two, I know I forgot a few guys - sorry.....I have the memory of a goldfish
  Date:  10/30/21
  AO:  Whipping Stick

YHC has been looking forward to this workout for a while now.  

Out of nowhere, my good friend Katrina (sometimes known as Brock) reached out and wanted me to meet Putin (sometimes known as the director of Stronglife, John).  John is changing lives in our community.  His ministry focuses on bringing homeless men back to ‘normal’ living.  And he’s doing a great job at it too.  Brock has heard me – and others – talk about F3 for the last 7 years, so he thought that we made a good fit together.  And he’s right.  

I’m not sure what will be the end result of F3 Foothills & Stronglife, but here’s how we started this new friendship. 


Disclaimer of sorts, emphasis on modify as needed.  You vs you, etc.  

SSH, ATT, Windmills, Merkins.  

Plank had 10 minutes to Q.  He led us with a Dora partner workout.  Mumblechatter was excellent.  Merkins, Squats, O/Head Claps

Before Pump started, we had to name an FNG that needed to leave early.  Courtesy Flush was by far the best name, but I don’t think I could have slept at night if that would have stuck.  The FNG was the pastor at Morningstar church….I don’t think he could have handled it.  Anyway, he’s a Navy vet, so we went w/ Buoy.  It’s fitting.  Rev, I hope you come back soon.  

Back to Pump, we had some bear crawls, lunge walks, backwards run.  Couple of the SL guys started to slowly fade into the darkness and retreat back to the warmth of inside.  I didn’t notice until it was too late, but that’s fine.  We can try to get them to come back the next time.  

Handed off to Creeper for block work.  Solid stuff:  squats, bench press, and curls.  

Before we knew it, the allotted 45 minutes was up.  Circle back up for FNG naming and WOD.  

Fun stuff.  


  • proud of the men that stuck around for the entire workout.   This was certainly outside of their comfort zone.
  • Same goes for you regulars that posted.  Proud of you guys too, even if I did leave off your name at the roster list above. 
  • Lots of mumblechatter – that always lightens the mood and makes things a lot more fun.  Thanks to all for that.  
  • One FNG didn’t want to say “FNG” in the COT.  Seems that he thought it was a derogatory term.  Talk at Granny’s after the workout was that he should have been named FNG.  Chalk that up as a missed opportunity.  
  • October is a special month for me and F3.  I’m not sure of the exact date, but it’s when I started back in 2014, so happy 7 years to me.  I wouldn’t have wanted to celebrate any other way.  Hence the image of the old logo above. 
  • Thanks to all of you for what you’ve done to make me a better person over those 7 years.  Hard to imagine that it’s been that long (twss).   
  • Sounds like this will be a monthly AO.  Stay tuned for news on future Q possibilities.  
  • Also taking AO name submissions until we come up with a good one.  Holla if you have one.  





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