QIC:  CrossStitch/Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  CrossStitch, Retread, Cheese Wiz, Powder, Kapaowski, Twig, Goodwill, Kermit
  Date:  08/02/2021
  AO:  ER

First off, thank goodness I am a millennial and cannot go longer than 10-15 minutes without looking at my phone. If that wasn’t the case, I would not have seen Cuz’s Pre-Blast and would not have been mentally prepared to Q this morning. He sure picked a good one to come up with the Thang and not show up…


After your typical warmups, I had some ‘xplaining to do, especially to our displaced once lived in Mt. View, not lives in California Kermit. There was a new take on Old ER. I suggest everyone read Cuz’s Pre-Blast, it was pretty good. 

Instead of starting at the corner at top of Hospital (Test) Hill, you start at the bottom. Run to top, start Old ER. Once down at bottom of second set of stairs, make your way back to Hospital (Test) Hill and start again. BUT, don’t go down one rep, go UP FIVE! Obviously, this sucked a whole new level of suck. Especially for Mr. No Chest here. I made the mistake of checking my watch too early which lead to more checking of said watch. 

I am proud to say that I completed a few laps of what I’ll call New ER. It was four laps (I think) with a total of 390 lbs after carrying Cousin Eddie’s saggy behind. 


From the Great Teddy Roosevelt; It’s hard to fail, but it is worse to never have tried to succeed.


Here is how Cuz did on his predictions. 

  • Cheese Whiz showed up at 5:33 = TRUE
  • Retread showed up at 5:31 = TRUE 
  • Kapowski left at 6:15.  On the nose. = NOT TRUE
  • So did Retread = FALSE, HE LEFT EARLIER
  • The stairwells were hot = VERY TRUE
  • I would have been The Six = VERY TRUE
  • Twig starts off like a bat out of Hades = TRUE
  • Twig fades to become the Six = TRUE
  • There are suspect looking merkins to be done = THE MOST TRUE



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