QIC:  Medball
  PAX:  You
  Date:  07/23/21
  AO:  The Station

Many of you know that several of us signed up for the GrowTruck Training Event (GTE) in Charlotte in early August.  This event is a premier F3 event that features all 3 F’s. Friday night is the welcome reception, Saturday includes a morning beatdown, 2-3 hr Q School, afternoon break, then the overnight ruck, and service Sunday morning.  The overnight ruck is what gets most of the attention: 12-14 hours of team-based physical activity, in the dark, while carrying 50+ lbs on your back. The entire concept is to put you a high-stress situation, force you to make decisions, then your team faces the consequences of your actions.  I hear it is life-changing, and I’m excited and nervous about it, at the same time.  A lot of people get nervous about the ruck, and rightfully so…it’s gonna be a big test.  However, you know what I’m most nervous about….the pre-test.  Yep! On Saturday night, before the ruck, we’ll be required to perform a minimum of 42 merkins in 2 min, 52 WWII sit-ups (hands behind head) in 2 min., and run 2 miles in less than 18:30.  The merkins – check. The WWII sit-ups – check (although harder than I expected), the 2 mile run…that’s where I’m stuck. It’s not a secret I’m not a runner, so this element was going to be the greatest challenge.  Back in the Spring, with my shoulder being injured I showed up for several beatdowns choosing to run while others boot-camped. Post after post, I just became more discouraged. I’d head out to run only to get about a mile in and have to stop and walk: lungs were burning, or legs started to hurt….I just couldn’t get in 2 miles, much less finish in 18:30.  Knowing that I had to do something different, I decided to post for pre-run again at the Station, like I used to.  Something amazing happened, I ran the full 2.8 miles of the route that day.  My pace was off, but I got in the mileage.  What was different?  I was running with my brothers.  Is it distraction, is it pride, is it encouragement, I’m not sure…and I don’t know that it matters.  All I know if that I was able to accomplish more in that group. This should not be a surprise the concept of the GROUP is the 3rd Foundational Principle of F3’s QSource. As men, we are hard-wired to seek others to accomplish tasks.  Together that morning, my brothers and I ran 2.8 miles that was the task.  That accomplishment was the boost of confidence I needed to show up and run at the next pre-run…and the next. I was no longer going to train for my 2 mile test alone.

A few weeks later, I completed another 2.8 mile pre-run with an average pace of 9:07, and more importantly didn’t feel like dying after it.  I’ve met my goal and can now focus on some additional training for the main event….you remember, the 12-14 hrs with 50+ lbs on my back while performing military-style movements that involve carrying sandbags, logs, etc. around the streets of Charlotte. (It is funny that this isn’t the part that stresses me the most.)  The difference in the pre-test and the overnight ruck, is that the pre-test, I have to do on my own.  The overnight ruck, I’ll be part of a team, and I do better in a team.

What’s the hard thing facing you?  The thing that you can’t seem to overcome? It’s different for each of us, but the benefits of a group are the same.  What if you stopped trying to achieve it alone and brought in your F3 brothers?  That’s what we’re here for, (believe me I’ve been picked-up, as the 6, countless times).  Let’s face it some men can run alone, but me, I prefer to run with a group!

Keep EH’ing!

Medball out



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