QIC:  Powder
  PAX:  #2, Carni, Ferdinand, CrossStitch, Retread, Cuz Eddie, Marvin, Caboose, Owie, Phlegm, Pumpernickel, Shamus, Tooth Fairy
  Date:  07/23/2021
  AO:  Expresso

On days that mumble chatter is high it always seems to make the workouts and mornings better. Well mumble chatter was very high Wednesday when we took off on our run [Ex: “So ____I hear you are going to try and run a marathon. Do you really think that is a good idea? I don’t think you can do it”] and it continued into Thursday morning [Ex: “____what’s wrong with your voice? Summer Cold??? That’s stupid”]. The only issue was it seemed that all the mumble chatter had one central theme… POWDER! I think what was really going on was the men of F3 Foothills missed me terribly while I have been gone for the last two weeks and were showing their respect and admiration for me. Well guys I missed you too!!! HAHA now onto the workout



Smurf Jacks, Windmills, Little Arm Circles, ATT (All IC X 15) then 5 Burpees and mosey around St. Lukes to the hill behind Corinth. 

The Thang:

Partner up. P1 run to the driveway at Corinth and do 5 star jumps while P2 did exercise at the bottom of hill. While one partner was running and doing star jumps the other partner was doing AMRAP of each exercise BLIMPS.

Keep your partners and head to the block pile to grab one coupon “per pair”. After getting one block for the 2 of you head to the little circled courtyard on the side of Corinth. P1 do block work while P2 does exercise around circle and switch. 

R1- Step ups w/ overhead press & Lunges,  R2- Curls & Mosey backwards,  R3- Bench Press & Karaoke,  R4- Kettle Bell Swings & High Knees,  R5- Jump Skips & Overhead Press


Prayer! We always ask if there are any prayer request even though we all know that we have something on our hearts. I asked the PAX to say one thing out loud, without having to go into detail, but that way you knew that your fellow brothers were thinking about you this morning. 



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