QIC:  Markup & Plank
  PAX:  Swanson, Cousin Eddie, Pumpernickle, Bum Gun, weed, Udder Butter, Frank & Beans, Publix, Deuce, Herbie the Lovebug, Dink, Diamond Dave, Goldberg, Medball, Band Camp, Gump, Bogey, Flamer, Two Play, Cream-sickle, Tooth Fairy
  Date:  07/03/21
  AO:  Whipping Stick
Here is what I wrote so far.  Add what you want and I will post later today.

Recently, Goldberg asked me if the I would be interested in leading the July 4th covergence as a ruck style workout.  I told him I would be happy to lead it and we would come up with something fun.  Plank and I created a workout that was not “hard” but would introduce the pax of Hickory to a little of the Rucking activities.  My thought was someone may enjoy the workout and decide they wanted to try either the Charlotte GrowRuck event in August or a GORUCK event sometime in the future.

As pax arrived an we got started, I told everyone to line up by shoulder height and then we formed a circle.  We did Name-o-rama and I told everyone to spend the next hour getting to know someone they did not know already.  As we were circled up, we broke up into 3 groups and I informed everyone this was there team for the next hour.
Overhead Claps IC x10
1 burpee OYO
Alternating Toe Touches IC x10
2 burpees OYO
Imperial Storm Troopers IC x10
3 burpees OYO

The Thang
I handed off to Plank and he told everyone to walk to the back of his truck.  He had 3 logs and 2 sandbags waiting for us.  Each team picked a log and 2 teams were lucky enough to pick up a sandbag.  One sandbag was 40 pounds and the other one was 60 pounds.  As we started moving, we picked up a flag to lead each team.  We travelled about .5 miles and grouped up in a field to have a little competition.  I informed everyone that it pays to be a winner but I did not let them know what the winner gets.
First competition: Tunnel of Love – 2 rounds
1st place – 20 sit-ups OYO
2nd place – 20 Merkins OYO
3rd place – 20 Burpees OYO
Second competition: Log shimee- 2 rounds
1st place – 20 Burpees OYO
2nd place – 20 Merkins OYO
3rd place – Bear Crawl
Third competition: Log flip relay – 1 round
1st place – 20 Merkins OYO
2nd place – 20 Merkins OYO
3rd place – 20 Merkins OYO
We are all a team and we are all winners!
Next we performed 10 log sit-ups and 10 overhead presses then we dropped the logs off and prepared for an Indian run.
We formed 2 lines and placed the sandbag at the front of the line.  As you ran by the sandbag, the last runner had to grab the sandbag and run it back to the front, drop it, and then grab the flag.  The flag ALWAYS stays at the front.  When we had completed about 1/2 the distance, we switched sandbags and continued.  We circled back around and stopped at the flags.
It was an honor to lead the workout and to post with my F3 brothers.  As we worked out, I thought about July 4th, independence, and how we would not be able to do what we do without the soldiers who have fought for our freedoms.  I do not take that lightly.  During the indian run, I saw a man salute the flags as we ran by.  In my opinion, THAT is what July 4th is about.  Respect.  Not hotdogs, burgers and fireworks.  Those are nice when you get to spend time with family and friends though.
I know that at least 1 signed up for GrowRuck, several may be considering it, and all are welcomed and encouraged to sign up.  



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