QIC:  Markup
  PAX:  Creeper, Plank
  Date:  06/24/21
  AO:  Star


All exercises were done in cadence

20 Side Straddle Hops

20 Alternating Toe Touches

20 Imperial Storm Troopers


The Thang

Mosey to church and stop at each entry-way along the way

-started with 5 Merkins OYO and increased by 1 each time

At the church we did a few ladders.  We started with 10 exercises and decreased by 1 after each run.  Each run consisted of running up the steps and then back down.

10 Turkish Get Ups

10 Squats

10 Burpees

in between each exercises, we found a wall sit with the following exercises:

20 Muhammad Ali

20 Joe Frazier

20 Wonder Bras


Mosey back to church and stop along each entryway.  On the way back, we started with 5 Bullfrog Squats and increased by 1 each stop.



Do. Or leave the house without telling wife and children we love them.  Do not harbor anger against family (or anyone).  We are not guaranteed tomorrow and we never know if we will see family again.



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